Tuesday, July 9, 2013

4th of July Celebration!

Who doesn't love cake? Especially when mom isn't watching!
We had more fun this year on the fourth then we do all year long! I don't have too many photos of the actual fireworks we lit off, but feel free to follow me on instagram @shortney1228 - I have a few there I put up from my phone of both photos and even a video :-) I was impressed this year, our fireworks rivaled the fireworks in town this year!

We also had a much smaller group - not the usual large group, which helped a lot. Not so many little people to chase around and keep of the lighting platform.

My brother and my hubby set up the posts and marked it off. I didn't realized how much my bro has grown! He's not suppose to be this tall yet! *sigh* I'm not ready for him to be in high school already. Although, I'm soooo ready for more high school football games and even wrestling matches! Woot!

The boys this year lit off the bonfire this year in the style that has become our tradition. Dr. P was a dear and filled in for my other little brother this year and helped my wonderful husband and baby bro light it - Roman candle style.

The other pictures you'll see here are of my gorgeous baby sister and a few of the dolls she babysits on a fairly regular basis - they're so adorable!